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![]() I love the blue sky, rainbows, grey weather, cold winter and wet days. I hate the humidity of singapore. I Love Red, Blue, White and gold. Making music is a bliss. One day, I'll be on a big stage playing for you. I'm just like you, maybe only prettier. ♥Nahraf.
SSW flute
shuqunband knsfamily Aisha Alicia Amanda Atiika Anna Cherry Cheryl Christy Elaine Elisha Hamidah Howie Jenny Yjiawei Khalidah Mandy Minhui Nellie Shahirah Shida Shiya Sinlee Suzanne Syafiqah Syeying/alex Tanhuimin Travis Vera Victoria Weddding Xinman Yaohui Zhipeng Zoey
Sunday, September 27, 2009
new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of. Hey yaw(: See, I'm blogging both at onsugar and here. Oh, I won't really be replying tags. I'm too lazy you see(: I had a great day yeseterday at my grandma place even though it was so hot. I love love love my new circular speaker. It's damn eff-ing loud and cute:D natahtnamas.onsugar.com
Friday, September 25, 2009
Pa-pa-pa Poker Face.
The best friends for life. Hey yaw. I had a great dinner today with my bestfriend and our daughters. In the time we spent, Wani officially became Anna's daughter and you all already know Victoria, my awesome daughter. Anyway, had dinner at burger king and it was great. Chatted about so many things. It's really easy to say anything with those 2 daughters of ours. Let's do it again someday(: Head over to Http://natahnamas.onsugar.com. Yes, the girl who don't blog is having another blog. Only short posts here from today(: NATAHTNAMAS.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
You know you love us. Hey yaw, today was such an emotional roller coaster for me. I'm not someone who have major mood swings, so this is unusual to me. The best friends anyone could ever had came over to my place to study. In the end, we ended up taking loads of pictures and very little work done. Head over to facebook to look at 'em(: My uncle, Uncle Charlie, is currently next door in my grandma's room. He'll be here for who know how long. It really feels weird having another guy in the house although this isn't his first visit. After dinner, daddy being his usual self sat and chatted with Uncle Charlie. I still don't understand how their chat could link back to my educational future. Apparently, in australia, they have this system where you can go to this course where you take 1 year to study JC stuff. Then, the college you attended will ensure you're in a good university. My dad seemed very convinced that it was a great idea for me. But i really don't wanna go. I'll only be hardly 17 if i go. I'm so used to having a sense of security. I need my family and/or friends to really adapt to a new life especially if it's one oversea. If i go, I'll only be back when I graduated who knows how long that would take.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Concrete angel.
Red. Hey yaw! I finished my english project in less than 10 hours. BEAT THAT SUCKERS. I bet all you hardworking people spent the entire holiday. I used the LAST 2 DAYS. I rock. I so totally rock.Enough of rubbing it in.. I'm cold. I haven't finished my homework and my trigo revisions. BUT i'm not gonna do them. I'M TOO LAZY. It rocks to be lazy. If i fail my trigo test, I shall kill myself. (LIE) I guess my life is that boring. BYE YAW! IMMBF.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I say stop.
Cry. Anyway, today was an euphoric day for me (well, until i stupidly did my project.). I know you must be thinking, "wasn't this project given weeks ago? " well it was. But I'm a last min kind of person and i work way better under pressure. Shit, i side tracked. How bimbotic. Anyway, back to today being an euphoric day for me.. I celebrated my birthday a week and a day earlier with my family :D Okay, it's not really a celebration. We had dinner and my dad bought me my pressie :D I ♥ Korean food. Damn fab. Guess what my daddy got me for my pressie? Wooohoo! I was vibrating with excitement when he was paying :D I'm not telling you. PFFFT. But, he bought something off the list :D Best birthday ever.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I feel like shit.
Thanks a bunch to Wedding Ang for lending me those books i'll never dare to read in bed or anywhere else. Thanks jenny for scarred. Thanks Anna for the pact(:
please santa? Any of the above. P.s, my feet are size 37 or 5 for converse(: And and and ! I usually wear clothes that are like free sized or m(: xoxo, Samantha.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I love you.
Ain't i just so adorable? I don't know what's making me wanna blog, it must be that YuiJiaWei's fault(: Today was an interesting day. For the first time in a LONG WHILE. My dad sent me to school(: Yaye for daddy! I'm proud to say I am a BAND FREAK. Hey, being one is cool okay(: Can you imagine how glad i am to have to go to Shuqun Sec? If i wasn't in shuqun, I swear i wouldn't be in band. I would never had played the flute. HOW SAD CAN THAT BE? I wouldn't had met all those awesome people i learnt to love so deeply. I most likely would be another Samantha! Now, where's the fun in that eh?
Tomorrow's gonna be awesome(: Dropping by Yuit's Place, Shopping date with my Crazy ass BFF Hamidah, Concert! Have i mention i love concerts?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Boston Brass. "Your blog's dead!"My blog is ALWAYS dead. At least i'm gonna try and blog more. (Lie.) Woah, it's been almost a month since i last posted. Dang, am i lazy or what? ShuQun Secondary School is changing so so much, that's like toh-tah-lay scary. Byebye canteen. Byebye current 3C classroom. Byebye hall. Most importantly, Bye band room ! :D I (hearts) the band room lots and lots and it holds super lots of memories BUT, I new band room would be cool :D Teachers' Day came and go. I obviously DID NOT go back to KCP, it's way too far, I doubt any teachers remembers me and most importantly, I'm too lazy. As usual, Samantha is always a SUPER lazy pig. Actually, i just realised how boring my life is. I've nothing to blog about. Nothing interesting happens to Samantha Tan. And even if they do, it's too personally to blog about it. LOL. I sound so.... mysterious. I like sounding mysterious(: Common test results are back. Dang, i failed 3 subs. If this was EOY i would probly be retaining. Thank god i still 5 weeks to study study study. I shall actually study this time:D I promise. I'm really excited for O levels. I want it to be over and done with ! It's another 1 year and 50+ days time. How scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(: *Think think think! * Zomg, i think i'm mad. I laughed reading Jiawei's posts. I'm turning mad(: I'm not sure why i'm awake. Heeeeeee(: There's band tomorrow and i swear if i don't fall asleep now, i'll 99.9999% be late(: And i wouldn't want that to happen now do i ? Good bye for now(: Tag replies. You know what, i'll do this nxt week. CONTINUEEEE TAGGINGGG. |