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![]() I love the blue sky, rainbows, grey weather, cold winter and wet days. I hate the humidity of singapore. I Love Red, Blue, White and gold. Making music is a bliss. One day, I'll be on a big stage playing for you. I'm just like you, maybe only prettier. ♥Nahraf.
SSW flute
shuqunband knsfamily Aisha Alicia Amanda Atiika Anna Cherry Cheryl Christy Elaine Elisha Hamidah Howie Jenny Yjiawei Khalidah Mandy Minhui Nellie Shahirah Shida Shiya Sinlee Suzanne Syafiqah Syeying/alex Tanhuimin Travis Vera Victoria Weddding Xinman Yaohui Zhipeng Zoey
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I ♥ gay rock stars.
Hey yaw, how you been?
Zomg, Samantha is turning mad. I just clicked on Download MapleSEA. What is my problem? Anywho, I WANNA LEARN THE PIANO D: But i have to wait till after O levels. SO freaking long la. Gosh, Mr Lim's eyebrows can move! As in in that weird way.. I've written a list of stuff i wanna do before i die. I like number fifty even though i wasn't the one who wrote it. "50. Kill Benjamin." There are lots of others that does not make sense because Marcus wrote them but yeah, I have A LIST.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kang Gun-Woo♥
Kang Gun-woo is a charactor of the awesome Beethoven Virus. I'm talking about the younger one(: Hee. He is HOT. And looks kinda like my cousin(:
Anywho, I'm lacking sleep man! I'm extremely tired but i wanna complete this eps first(: I don't know why i'm online. OH WAIT I DO. It's all Benji's fault(: Till tomorrow, Samantha.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Shoot me in the head.
I've change my blogskin. As if it's not obvious enough.
I want to sleep. I really don't know what I'm suppose to blog about. Miss Ee is leaving D: I'm gonna miss her ! Gosh, go visit Facebook to see our beloved RHD pictures. I'm feeling all indifferent about what's happening around me.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
# (I lost count.)
What happens in maths. Okay, i really hate updating my blog cause i'm too lazy to on my computer. Currently in love with Beethoven Virus. Really the best show ever(: Racial Harmony Day was a few days ago and it was great fun dressing up in some super thick outfit=.= 3c'o9 Class spirit rocks man(: It was really fun seeing everyone wearing colourful outfits(: Anywho, the solar eclipse wasn't as spectacular as i expected it to be. All i saw was like, a dark nice, cool morning. Dang, that should happen everyday. Btw, I hate pink:D. Till next time, Samantha tan.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Guess which one am I(: Today i did a lot of stuff which i haven't done in a long long time. numberone; I went to my grandma house. numbertwo; i played maple. numberthree; i bloged. I took that picture above from my grandma's place(: I think it looks damn cute. The picture was taken when i was 5(: Due to Ben playing of maple, I decided to start again ! (shit) It sucks to be sick okay. And i personally think that school should just close due to H1N1(: It'll be fun. Plus due to H1N1, CCAs can only open next month and i'm seriously missing playing my flute, the band room and making music. I think the new Cadbury Ad is seriously damn cute la(: I'm talking about the eye brow dancing thing(: It is ADORABLE. But i don't see the connection with that and chocolate.. Do you? A reminder to everyone, SAMANTHA'S BIRTHDAY IS COMING ! :D okay it's still a few months more but who cares (: All i want for my birthday is...
I completed the house of night series (: It's damn nice and i think a movie should be made from it. Tags replies(: I've linked/re-linked all who have asked and i don't know which tag do i start replying to. So i decided to reply those i think needs to be replied and not anymore. Sorry. Zomg, then i realise there's not much i want to reply(: Hello to all that said hi(: This is my sort of tag reply (: Thanks ! |