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![]() I love the blue sky, rainbows, grey weather, cold winter and wet days. I hate the humidity of singapore. I Love Red, Blue, White and gold. Making music is a bliss. One day, I'll be on a big stage playing for you. I'm just like you, maybe only prettier. ♥Nahraf.
SSW flute
shuqunband knsfamily Aisha Alicia Amanda Atiika Anna Cherry Cheryl Christy Elaine Elisha Hamidah Howie Jenny Yjiawei Khalidah Mandy Minhui Nellie Shahirah Shida Shiya Sinlee Suzanne Syafiqah Syeying/alex Tanhuimin Travis Vera Victoria Weddding Xinman Yaohui Zhipeng Zoey
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Twinney♥ I'm really sorry. I really don't know what got into me. I really want to be forgiven. Will you please do that? Do one last thing for me. Forgive me. I'm so so so so freaking sorry.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Romantic Princess♥ My current obsession other than boys over flowers of course. And all thanks to Nellie the Dinosourous, I'm finding Wuzun hot. This is so completely your fault you big fat meanie D: And instead of watching that, i'm blogging. Why? BECAUSE I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY ARE SMALL PEOPLE USING MY BLOG'S TAGBOARD TO ARGUE. And because me updated doesn't happen once every million year(: Back to small people using my tagboard. It is getting kinda annoying. SO please stop. I really don't give a shit if you're Human, Alien, Zoe, Zoechiun or Zoe tay. You people have your OWN BLOG. Go spam yourself. I don't care if you really tagged me or someone framed you. As long as you tagged, you're spaming me. You don't see me spamming your blog right? What the hell la. You're all disturbing my peace=.= It's my sister you're all arguing over. NOT ME. Go her blog or something. NOT HERE. I don't like the holidays. It makes me grow fat=.= I keep eating things i loveeee(: I had durian today! Now my fingers smell like them :D! (I think i'm the only idiot that likes durian. ) I really don't understand why angmohs and some singaporeans don't like durian. It's super sweet la(if you choose the right ones) :D I ♥ DURIANS. Trying to put the whole eps of boys over flower in Danny Gokey. So troublesome la. Zzzz, Why can't it come in eps and not parts=.= Anywhoooooo. I still think Adam Lambert should had won American Idol. Even though he is currently uder the same contract as Kris Allen.. I really love no boundaries by Adam(: Much much better than Kris. Prove Kris can't really sing. :D Btw, some one confessed their love for me. SHAHIRAH, says: *HI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Catch me, catch me, catch me, c'mon, catch me, I want you now, I know you can save me, you can save me, I need you now. SAMANTHA ! says: *Hello dearie(: ZOMG=.= *NIce way of confessing your love for me. SHAHIRAH, says: *I know. :D *I've been wanting to confess for so long, but can'tt figure out the way and when. I guess now is the right time. *LOLOLOLOL. LOL. If you don't get it, those are the lyrics of Jai ho! TAG REPLIES:
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sexy love♥ Gah, been rather lazy to bother to turn on the stupid computer. Because of my extreme laziness, my blog is dying.(With Wedding reminding me almost every band practise.) I'm not finishing BOF! I spend more time eating.(Thus, i GROW FAT D: (as if i'm not fat enough.) Samantha's not happy. I'm getting very annoyed by every little thing. So shoo shoo you little pest. Samantha don't tolerate pest well. Hate people's mood swing. Especially those that will have CRAZY mood swings. Like what the hell. PMS much? Go get pills to control them. They invented stuff like these. How very the awesome ! :D Samantha's not happy. (Part 2.) Hate people with BADDDDDDD atittude problems. Samatha's not happy. (Part 3.) Hate baisness happening all around me. See, Samantha's just not in a good mood. Btw, Can't believe Benji has sims 3 D: Respect is gained. Not by being in charge. Oh, and just for WEDDING ANGGGG. sammitan-@hotmail.com And your favourite part of me blogging(And my worst hated.)... TAG REPLIESSS:D